Board Committees
Executive Committee: The MassHire CIWB Executive Committee shall be composed of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Clerk, and the Treasurer. This committee meets monthly to discuss all matters pertaining to planning, development, internal human resources, finance, budgeting, and other matters pertaining to the state of the organization.
Board of Directors: The Board of Directors oversee the operation of the CIWB and ensure all goals are being met. Board members discuss and vote on the actions of the organization as needed. The Director of MassHire Cape and Islands Career Center provides updates to ensure that the performance goals and financial obligations are being met.
Youth Council: Although not required by WIOA, the CIWB has implemented a standing Youth Council which will continue to provide oversight on regional youth issues, initiatives, and activities. The CIWB Youth Council is co-chaired by the CIWB Executive Director and the assistant superintendent of the Mashpee Public Schools. The CIWB Youth Council meets quarterly.
Youth Council Scholarship Committee: This committee meets twice annually (more if needed) to review and award the CIWB scholarships. This committee is chaired by the Executive Director, in lieu of a Youth Services Director.
ArtWorks Advisory Board: The ArtWorks Advisory Board oversees the continued growth and development of the Artworks Program. The ArtWorks Advisory Board meets on a quarterly basis and is chaired by the Executive Director, in lieu of a Youth Services Director.
Finance Committee: The CIWB Finance Committee oversees the development of the annual budget and the monitoring of financial performance throughout the year.
WIOA Partners Committee: This committee provides oversight to the local MassHire Career Center. The committee will monitor the performance of the career center and training providers. The WIOA committee also ensures all initiatives have been implemented correctly.
Human Resources Committee: The human resources committee is responsible for the development and application of a Personnel Policy Manual. This includes an employee evaluation process, develop, and recommend staffing levels, hear step two (2) grievances as outlined in the Personnel Policy Manual, and assist the Executive Director in the personnel decisions and actions. This committee meets on an as needed basis.